Our goal is to keep Piglin friendly, safe and calm. Please read the following rules keep our server peaceful. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to a staff member or open a ticket on our Discord server.
1. Chat
Sending messages which make it difficult to read chat is prohibited.
Warp names must also follow this rule.
Please do not create warps that spam the warps list. Warps will be removed and you will not be refunded.
Advertising another Minecraft server in a public channel or in direct messages to many people is allowed. We're not going to be preventing you from joining other Minecraft servers. You aren't forced to play on Piglin and you're allowed to play on other servers, we all do that.
Sensitive Topics
Do not talk about sensitive topics in public chat such as religion, politics, and adult content. Offensive and disturbing language, as well as links to this type of content, is also prohibited. Discussing self-harm or other deeply negative experiences is prohibited. Pigin is not the place to get help for this. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides confidential support for people in distress if you need it. Discord names, discord bios, warp names, mob names, item names, and item lores must also follow these rules.
Be respectful to others. Bullying, harassing, discriminating, and annoying other players are prohibited. This includes name-calling, hate speech, and impersonation. Swearing on Piglin is allowed, but can not be directed at another player. Racial, homophobic, or other slurs are not allowed. These rules also apply to messages outside of the Minecraft Server.
If things get too out of hand, moderators will have no choice but to /ignore for everyone involved. That means you won't be able to see the other person's messages anymore.
If a player asks you to leave their area, please leave, do not cause trouble. They may have the permissions to kick you out of their claim.
If you're caught building around their claim without permission, the build and claim will be removed and you will be banned.
Do not go to other servers and say "Piglin's Restarting" that is so disrespectful towards our server and their server. Our players will be warned for this and if continued, we'll have to take actions -> ban.
Foreign Languages
Our players are from all over the world, we support any languages you speak, as long as you keep your language speaking nicely. We do not support name-calling, you will be warned, potentially banned for this.
Warp Names
Warp names cannot begin with a prefix for the purpose of bringing it to the front of the warps list.
Please keep warp names appropriate, there are children playing on the server.
Please do not create warps that spam the warps list. Warps will be removed and you will not be refunded.
2. Property
Griefing or stealing from any player is prohibited, even if their base appears to be unclaimed or abandoned. This means you can not modify another player's build in any way without their explicit permission.
Scamming is prohibited. All involved parties must know the terms of any agreement. If you wish to trade in-game items for something from the Piglin webstore, only do so with trusted players, and make sure to transfer the virtual items before buying from the Piglin webstore. Trading in-game items for anything outside of the Piglin webstore is prohibited.
ChestShop Refund System (Created by DrBot) has allowed us to do refunds from ChestShop Plugin. Use this!
Build Locations
Keep your builds a respectable distance away from your neighbors unless they explicitly give you permission to build near them. This typically means that your build should not be visible from their build.
Build Content
Constructing objects that can reasonably be considered offensive or sexually explicit is prohibited. Traps such as sealed nether portals are also prohibited. Avoid building things that lag the server.
3. Modified Clients / Hacking
Modified clients that give you an advantage over other players such as hacked clients and x-ray mods/resource packs are prohibited. Players caught will be banned and will not be unbanned.
The following modifications are allowed:
Optifine and Optifabric.
Minimap mods such as Xaero's Minimap and VoxelMap.
Litematica when used for building purposes.
ReplayMod when used for recording purposes.
Inventory managers
We have a Voice Chat Plugin/Mod on the server. All you need is the client side to this.
4. Alternative Accounts
Alternative Accounts are allowed.
5. AFK
Your character can not take any actions while AFK. This means you can not use afk pools or auto-clicking scripts. As long as you do not break this rule, you are allowed to AFK for as long as you would like without being automatically kicked.
6. Banned Players
If you join our discord and acquire the Council role from the roles channel, you'll be able to see why you were banned.
All bans will be publicly posted. Mutes will not be posted until banned.
To report a player or staff member, please open up a ticket.
All banned players will not have their builds unclaimed for other players nor will players be trusted in the claimed by staff members.
7. Player Safety & Account Security
We cannot help with Minecraft Customer Support, you'll have to personally reach out to them for issues about that.
All players are responsible for your own account.
Please do not share your personal information with anyone on the server no matter how much you trust them!
Do not share your account with other players, even SIBLINGS! If they get you banned for something, you will not be unbanned.