Our wiki has most of the information you'd need. However, these are the common questions we get asked.
What if I decide not to play on Piglin anymore? What will happen to my builds?
In the past, Piglin often removed homes and reverted land back to their original terraform based on your activity of the server.
We've decided to remove this and keep whatever you build on the server no matter what rank you are due to the fact that we are no longer reseting the server.
You won't have to worry about jumping on the server to save your builds.
PvP is disabled? How do I enable it?
PvP is disabled by default.
If you wish to enable PvP, you can use the command /pvp toggle.
Both players must enable PvP for you to fight each other.
What are homes?
Homes are saved locations which you can teleport to at any point.
Use the command /home to teleport to your home.
Use the command /homes to check all the homes you have.
Use the command /sethome <homename> to create a home. You can overwrite your home with the /sethome command. This will move your home to your current location.
As you rank up, you will earn more homes.
If you have multiple homes, you can use the command /sethome <homename> to create a second..third...so on.. home.
To delete a home, use the /delhome command.
How can I help out the server? Can I be staff?
Feel free to visit the Wiki -> Applications
Fill out the Staff Application Form. We only look at the form when we need staff members.