How to Vote

Vote using the links below or by clicking the links after typing /vote in-game.

On each website, fill in your name in the text box, submit the captcha, then submit the vote.  You can once on each website every day.  Click here to see an example of voting on MCMP.

While in-game, the command /vgui will show you information about your voting status such as when you can vote next, your total number of votes, and the time of your last vote. While on Discord, you can react to the message in #faq for similar information.

Why Vote

When you vote for Piglin, you are helping the community grow by pushing Piglin higher on the top server lists. When this happens, more players join Piglin. Some of those players could become a great part of our community. Some of those players may even donate to the server, helping pay the costs to run Piglin. 

As a thank you for voting, we give you $250 and a crate key which you can redeem at warp crates. Voting is also an important factor in ranking up. More votes lead to a higher rank which has more perks of its own. 

Additionally, having the highest number of votes for a given month will give you the DRAGON prefix for the following 30 days. You can check the monthly top voters with the command /vgui.

Voting Problems

Sometimes voting sites may tell you that you have already voted today. This could be caused by either of the following:

Sometimes voting sites may tell you that the vote was registered, but the vote was never counted on Piglin. If this seems to be the case, take the following actions:

Sometimes voting sites will not allow you to click the submit button. If this seems to be the case, take the following action: